Daily posts Nov 24, 2021 / Locked and Loaded ♫ Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh – Beauty Deas an Oileáin PCR: The Fake “Covid Pandemic” Was Orchestrated In Order to Impose Tyranny The Spy Business: Just follow the money, by Philip Giraldi Ahem, I Know You’re Busy, But Nuclear War Is Getting Increasingly Likely, by Caitlin Johnstone Playing with Fire on Russia’s Borders, by Pat Buchanan The Russian Foreign Intelligence office issues an unprecedented warning about US operations in eastern Ukraine Why did Russia deploy so many forces against NATO? by the Saker Refugees, Coal and Conflict in Europe, by Brian Cloughley Catastrophe since 2017: How to cover France’s presidential election? by Ramin Mazaheri Banning of Palestinian NGOs: How Israel Tries to Silence Human Rights Defenders, by Ramzy Baroud The British Empire Strikes against Palestinian Resistance Group Hamas, by Iqbal Jassat Why Israel? exposes the South African Zionist lobby Arbery’s Killers Are Using the Logic of Slave Patrols to Defend Themselves, by Marjorie Cohn Kyle Rittenhouse is not the enemy. He’s the latest product of the outrage industry, by Jonathan Cook Activism, Uncensored: Dueling Protests Outside the Rittenhouse Courtroom, by Matt Taibbi Rittenhouse’s Trial Missed an Opportunity to Red-Pill the Public on Color Revolutions, by Joaquin Flores Yair Rosenberg moves to ‘Atlantic’ to be the Israel expert who ignores all the news from Israel, by Yakov Hirsch Fleeing Lockdowns, Death Jabs and Health Passports, by Linh Dinh The Daily Skeptic News Round-Up, by Luke Perry A pandemic of the vaccinated, by Jon Rappoport The Religious Faith of European leaders in Vaccines Will End in the Imprisonment of the Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports Make No Sense as the Vaccinated Are More Likely to Be Infected, Scientists Tell MPs Antivaxxers to the Gas Chambers?! by Kevin Barrett (Video) The Left Is Enthusiastic About Covid Restrictions; The People they Harm the Most are the Poor and Vulnerable The war on the ‘unvaccinated’ is a desperate attempt to demonize and destroy the control group Snowball of COVID jab injuries reported as ICU physicians blow whistle on dangers of the shot Border Clashes With Migrants Are an Ugly Mirror for Poland, by Tim Kirby Terror in the Capitol Tunnel, by Julie Kelly “No Mas!” Nicaragua Quits OAS as EU Tries to Undermine Venezuela Elections, by Daniel Kovalik Venezuela: Chavismo Wins Governorships in 20 of 23 States Asset Master Class: Art ‘Appreciation,’ Billionaire-Style, by Sam Pizzigati