- ♫ The Beatles – Don’t Let Me Down
- AP Editor Said She “Can’t Imagine” A US Intelligence Official Being Wrong, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Electric War: “We haven´t even started yet,” by Pepe Escobar
- MoA: Ukraine – Lights Out, No Water And Soon No Heat
- The Back Channel, by Scott Ritter
- Operation Uranus – Started 19-23 November 1942, by Die Untermensche
- Black Holes And Digestive Systems, Or Why Hegemon Is Doomed, by F(unny)MAN
- Big Missile Attack, Russia to Capture Marinka, as Russia Grinds Down Ukraine, Europe Crisis Deepens (Mercouris Podcast)
- Death-Ridden West Ramps Pressure on China to Abandon Zero-Covid Policy, by Finian Cunningham
- Supply and Demand in Real War – Andrei Martyanov Podcast
- World cup betting: US/UK put it on the line! by gatito bueno
- Motives for decisions of the “Сollective West” and realities, by Elshad Mammadov
- The New York Times Editorial Board’s Creepy Avengers Fantasy, by Matt Taibbi
- Ukraine War Day #273: Kiev Regime Searches Monastery, by yalensis
- Is Washington’s Dangerous Ukraine Boondoggle Starting to Unravel? by Ron Paul
- The ‘Great Reset’: A Blueprint for Destroying Humanity’s Freedom, by Frank Bergman
- Trump Americans Need Their Own Political Party, by Paul Craig Roberts
Photo from Matt Taibbi
- Emmanuel Macron Comes Clean: “We Need A Single Global Order,” by Paul Joseph Watson
- The Duran: Neocon takeover of EU nears completion w/Glenn Diesen (Video)
- A journey of revolts: bearing witness to the world outside us, by Hurriyah Ziada
- The Day Before Bombings, Israel Was Harassing America About Attacking Iran, by Andrew Anglin
- Gaza resistance takes ‘unprecedented’ security measures following Jerusalem bombing
- Chuck Schumer’s Recent Push to Legalize Millions of Illegals, by RockaBoatus
- Steven Donziger Says Criminalize Ecocide to ‘Help Save the Planet,’ by Jessica Corbett
- COP27: Klein Calls for Boycott of COP28, by Jake Johnson
- Pentagon fails to pass new financial audit, unable to account for over $2 trillion in assets
- Japan And Other Social Evils: The Horrors Of Going To School In A High-IQ Society, by Thorsten Pattberg
- Victims of a 38-year old Child Protective Services Wrongful Prosecution Pardoned, by Paul Craig Roberts
- Chaos Breaks Out As Reporters Ask Fauci About COVID Origins, by Tyler Durden
- FDA Exec Officer of Countermeasures Speaks Frankly About Vaccine Approval, by Dr. McCullough & John Leake
- How the Orthodox Church survived Bolshevikism – by Father Tikhon Shevkunov, now a Bishop and Confessor (Spiritual Advisor) of Vladimir Putin, from Peter Myers
- Peter Myers Digest Nov 22
- I Was Blown Away by My First ‘Medical Tourism’ Experience
- What to do if you think you’ve been vaccine injured, by Rebekah Barnett