- ♫ Boubacar Traoré – Hona
- If You Say Democracy Often Enough the Voters Will Reward You, by Philip Giraldi
- Joe Biden Has Failed Americans Disastrously as Commander-in-Chief, by Jeremy Kuzmarov
- Is the Federal Reserve Merely Incompetent or Is There a Dark Agenda? by Paul Craig Roberts
- The Duran: MBS & BRICS, the most dangerous pivot in history (Video)
- The Real Progressive interview of Michael Hudson (Video, w/transcript)
- Grain Wars: Black Sea Attack Exposes Zelensky’s Media Stunts for What They Are, by Martin Jay
Grain Deal, Ukraine in Darkness, What Moscow is Really Like, with Dan Kovalik (Video)
- Why I’m Voting Republican for the First Time Ever, by Kevin Barrett
- MoA: ‘Putin’s Chef’ Ridicules U.S. News Outlets – Adds ‘Election Interference’ Comedy Sketch
- “If I stole it,” by el gato malo
- Brian Berletic Demolishes US, AP & PBS-TV Anti-Russia Lies, by Eric Zuesse
- The American Jewish war over Zionism can begin, by Philip Weiss
- Ukraine War Day #258: What’s Up In Pavlovka? by yalensis
The Ukronazis must be stopped, by raccoon
- Whither Musk’s Twitter, by Kim Petersen
- Chris Hedges & Lee Camp: War Is The Greatest Evil (Video)

- Secret Power: The War on WikiLeaks, by Owen Bowcott
- Why does the Western Narrative sound so stupid and unrealistic? by Detlef Romatzki
- The Double Standard on US Campaign Contributions, by Sam Pizzigati
- Democrats, Not ‘Democracy,’ at Risk Today, by Pat Buchanan
The Official 2022 Midterm Election Drinking Game, by Matt Taibbi
- Please submit your PANDEMIC TESTIMONY. Amnesty? How about EVIDENCE FIRST! by Igor Chudov
- New Documentary Released: ‘The Origins of America’s Secret Police,” by Matthew Ehret
- “Give Kremlin A Warning”: US ‘Nuclear Apocalypse’ Submarine Enters Mediterranean Sea, by Tyler Durden
- Why did DARPA cancel LifeLog on the same day Facebook was launched? by Don Romeo
- Kyrie Irving Drama Highlights Western Establishment Hypocrisy, by Michael Averko
- Arab League Priorities Clash With the Israeli Election Outcome, by Steven Sahiounie
The Irrelevance of the Arab League, by As`ad AbuKhalil
- Biden Admits The Truth: “No More Oil Drilling” As Energy Stocks Set To Soar, by Tyler Durden
- Super-States in Core Eurasian Geopolitics – Utopian Proposition? by Straight-Bat
- The Palestinians of Latin America were dispossessed before the Nakba, by Marc Martorell Junyent
- Soul Brotha Says Weimar Republic Was the “Greatest Democracy” Ever, by Andrew Anglin
- A glimmer of integrity returns to the English GP network, by Joel Smalley