Oct 14, 2022
- ♫ “I put a spell on you” – Alan Price
- The Thin Red Line: NATO Can’t Afford to Lose Kabul and Kiev, by Pepe Escobar
- Ukraine War Day #232: Why Russia Needs To Take Odessa, by yalensis
- Lies, Lies, Lies: Narcissists All, by Batiushka
- General Armageddon Enters The Ring, by Declan Hayes
Map of the Ukrainian provinces Russia struck over the past 2 days - Scott Ritter: OMG! Just one miscalculation, the world is over (Video)
- Stalker Zone: The Second Day of Enlightenment: How Vladimir Putin Saves the Ukrainian People…
- The FSB has arrested a number of SBU terrorists preparing attacks inside Russia (Video)
- Russia to Take Bakhmut, Ukraine Energy Reeling After Missile Strikes, Putin Ridicules Oil Price Cap (Mercouris Podcast)
- American Officials Are Trying to Change the Definition of Antisemitism to Shield Israel From Criticism, by Miko Peled
Greenblatt declares war on anti-Zionist Jews inside Jewish religious groups, by Philip Weiss - Palestinian factions sign ‘Algeria declaration’ to end division
- Matthew Ehret: MK Ultra, The Great Reset and UFO Psyops (Interview w/Peter Merrick, Video)
- Biden’s Reckless Foreign Policy Comes With Hefty Price Tag After Saudi-Russian Move on Oil, by Martin Jay
- Western Media Rely on Dubious Sources in Smears Directed Against China, by Felix Abt
- Investigating Israel’s Role in Hollywood, with Ramzy Baroud, Jessica Buxbaum and Alan MacLeod – Lowkey Video
Why did The Hill fire Katie Halper? – Lowkey Video - Vox Pop: Assange Human Chain London (Video)
- Slaughter of the Innocents: Iran, Palestine, and Hypocrisy of ‘Western’ Media, by Jeremy Salt
- American Pravda: Alex Jones, Cass Sunstein, and “Cognitive Infiltration,” by Ron Unz
- Off-Guardian: This Week in the New Normal #49
- Why Do Palestinian Children Throw Stones? On the Death of Rayan Suliman and His Fear of Monsters, by Ramzy Baroud
Shu’fat refugee camp under siege as army searches for resistance fighter, by Mariam Barghouti - The Displacement of Men by Women, by Paul Craig Roberts
- Global finance vs global energy: who will come out on top? by Karin Kneissl
- This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land! Our agriculture and theirs (part 2), by Ken Freeland
- A perfect storm in US foreign policy, by M.K. Bhadrakumar
Two potentates meet up at St. Petersburg, by M.K. Bhadrakumar - Letters to Barack Obama re the US Destruction of the Palestinian People, by Dan Lieberman
- Panda Position Review: Covid-19 Vaccines
- The Sordid ‘Untold’ History of Race-Mixing, by Jung-Freud