- ♫ Taj Mahal: Shuffle Delta Blues at Crossroads 2023
- Gaza Strikes Back, by Philip Giraldi
- It’s Not The ‘Israel-Hamas War’, It’s The Israel-Gaza Massacre, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Peter Myers Digest: The Gaza Massacre
- Israel’s License to Kill: Genocidal Campaign has Been Unleashed in Gaza, by Jeremy Salt
- Speech to a Conference on Eurasian Security, by Gilbert Doctorow
- The Biden administration has given a full green light to Israel’s war crimes, by Mitchell Plitnick
- The World Beginning To See The True Face Of Zionism & Apparently The Collective West – Ryan Cristián Video
- Debating J. Michael Springmann on Whether Hamas Attack Was a False Flag – Kevin Barrett, Video
- Human Rights Watch Confirms White Phosphorus Used in Gaza, by Yves Smith
- Last message from Gaza? (Video)
- Day 9: Water is running out in Gaza, Israel continues to prevent humanitarian aid
- Israel’s 9/11, by CJ Hopkins
- Israeli Conflict Takes Eschatological Turn + Ukraine War Updates, by Simplicius The Thinker
- MoA: Arnaud Bertrand – How Israel Stepped Into A Trap
- The US Quandary Over Gaza, by M.K. Bhadrakumar
- Jeremy Corbyn: Anyone who believes in human rights ‘must condemn’ Israeli army’s actions in Gaza
- WHO: A ‘Death Sentence for Sick and Injured’ in Gaza

- Iran’s FM warns Israel to stop Gaza attacks or risk ‘huge earthquake’
- The Duran: Scholz coalition shows signs of fracture (Video)
- Do White People Have Enough Intelligence to Survive? by Paul Craig Roberts
- The Peace of Westphalia as a Lesson in Solving Religious Wars Past Present or Future, by Matthew Ehret
- Ukraine War Day #599: The Battle For Avdeevka, Part IV, by yalensis
- Israel Delays Offensive, Rus Ceasefire Proposal, Rus-Turkey Gaza Relief; Putin: Tactical Advances (Mercouris Podcast)
- Poland in the Crucible of Elections, by Richard Hubert Barton
- Europe cannot close its borders against the global south, by eugyppius
- “We Can’t Force the Human Body to Accept Foreign Genetic Code”, by John Leake
- The Real Risks of Childhood Vaccines, by Alan Brough
- The Most Egregious Violation of Medical Ethics in the History of Medicine, by Drs. James & Maggie Thorp
- Undeniable Toxic Ingredients In HPV Vaccines, by Yuhong Dong
- ☕️ DARWIN AWARDS ☙ Sunday, October 16, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠, by Jeff Childers
- Triggering regional fault lines: A prelude to a greater war? – Neoliberal Feudalism
- Surveilling Kids at School Is a $3.1 Billion Industry — And It’s Making Kids ‘Anxious’ and Scared, by Suzanne Burdick
- Anthony Hall on Canadian Parliament’s Nazi Salute, Cokehead Trudeau & More – Kevin Barrett, Audio
- U.S. Official Lies to Armenians Worldwide, by Steven Sahiounie
- Era Of ‘Unquestioned And Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over, by Alex Newman
- How to Protect Your Child From Transgender Lies, by Dr. Joseph Mercola
- The Diversity Trilemma and Free Speech, by Noah Carl