- ♫ Alex Jones Rants as an Indie Folk Song
- Cui bono? The Big Picture, by Eric Arthur Blair
- The Profoundly Stupid Narrative That Nuclear Brinkmanship Is Safety And De-Escalation Is Danger, by Caitlin Johnstone
- The Dominance of America’s False Narratives, by Paul Craig Roberts
- Europe, the Great Powers and the Eastern Ukraine Question, by Declan Hayes
- Grave New World, by Patrick Lawrence
- And Now for Something Completely Different: Decline and fall of Western Civilization, by Philip Giraldi
- Ukraine Reels From Missile/Drone Strikes, Zelensky 30% Energy Gone; Qatar, Europe Running out of Gas
(Mercouris Podcast)
The Duran: Timing is everything w/Robert Barnes
- The End-Game, by Batiushka
- China: Xi Gets Ready for the Final Countdown, by Pepe Escobar
- Elon Musk Warns Russia Can Utterly Destroy US, Europe With Nuclear Missiles In Under 30 Minutes And Vice Versa, by Shanthi Rexaline
- Covid and the Death of Billions? by Ron Unz
- What Western Empire? by Dmitry Orlov
- MoA: Ukraine – Drones Turn Off Electricity
- AAPS: Covid Vaxx to be Added to Childhood Vaccination Schedule, CDC Hoped No one would Notice!
- Ukraine War Day #237: Ukraine Finds Itself In A Pickle, by yalensis
Kiev Pummeled By ‘Kamikaze Drone’ Strikes, by Tyler Durden
- Saudi Arabia and de-dollarization: today’s interview on Press TV, by Gilbert Doctorow
- What Israel-Palestine Reveals About Power Dynamic Between Jews and Goyim, by Jung-Freud
- Tulsi Gabbard Compares Joe Biden To Adolf Hitler (Video)
- What is happening in the West Bank right now: a full breakdown, by Mariam Barghouti, Yumna Patel
- Abortion, The Military, Liberalism, Conservatism And Other Odds, Bits, Ends And Pieces, by Fred Reed
- Boston University Creates COVID Strain With 80% Mortality In Mice, by Tyler Durden
- Energy Geopolitics, Green New Deal Frauds, UFOs and Combatting Malthusians – Matthew Ehret, Audio
- Hiding Behind a Mask of Genteel Humanism, Canada’s Prime Minister Sells Out His People to Corporate Interests and Eagerly Participates in U.S. Imperialist Wars, by Jeremy Kuzmarov
- The Other Russia-West War: Why Some African Countries are Abandoning Paris, Joining Moscow, by Ramzy Baroud
- Nezavisimaya Gazeta: Is the West planning a nuclear provocation?
- Trump Beats Biden In 2024 Hypothetical And Barely Anyone Cares About Jan. 6: Harvard Poll, by Tyler Durden
- Just As You Thought, Increasing Testosterone Would Make Leftist Men More Right-Wing, by Edward Dutton
- One of Top High Schools in America Implements ‘Equity Grading’ to Fight ‘Bias’ in Favor of Whites, by Paul Kersey
- Helen Buyniski on “Persian Girls Gone Wild…in the Service of Western Imperialism” – Kevin Barrett, Audio
- From Churchill to NATO: How the west built and empowered Italian Fascism, by Mihalis Panayiotakis