Daily posts Oct 26, 2021 / Assange persecution protest ♫ Sharon Shannon Band, Socks in the Frying Pan White People Are an Endangered Species, by Paul Craig Roberts China SitRep: Xi Jinping’s speech, Major geo-political events, Joint naval patrol, Shangri-La was a novel A commented reading of Putin’s speech at Valdai, by The Saker Mislabeling, Misthinking, Misanalysis, Sure Death, by Linh Dinh Over 500 scholars launch fightback against Israel lobby, by Jonathan Cook On Israel Replicates South Africa’s Heydays of Apartheid, by Iqbal Jassat By calling the fight for Palestinian rights ‘terror’, Israel turns reality on its head, by J. Cook The Unholy Trinity of Social Control: Covid, Climate Change and Critical Race Theory, by Will Jones Noosphere, Part V: Dualistic mythologies, by Dmitry Orlov Daesh Terror in Afghanistan: A Divide-and-Conquer Operation? by Kevin Barrett Political Islam and Democracy Crisis in North Africa, by Ramzy Baroud Assange: A Threat to War Itself, by Robert Koehler Belmarsh Tribunal puts US government’s 21st-century crimes on trial Pierre Omidyar’s Financing of the Facebook “Whistleblower” Campaign Reveals a Great Deal, by Glenn Greenwald The Crimes of the West in Afghanistan and the Suffering That Remains, by Fabian Scheidler After Strong Denials, NIH Admits Funded Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab No first use of nuclear weapons: Biden can make progress toward that goal, by Robert Einhorn Russian MoD: Berlin Must Know How Amassing Troops Near Russia’s Border Ended for Europe in Past The Covid testimony of Dr Peter McCullough – Part 5: We’ll beat this via natural immunity Study Destroys Justification for Vaccine Mandates, by Aaron Siri Boris Admits the Vaccine “Doesn’t Protect You Against Catching the Disease, and It Doesn’t Protect You Against Passing it On” People of faith and the COVID vaccine, by Jon Rappoport Was Sen. Paul Wellstone Murdered to Secure Republican Control of the United States Senate? by Jeremy Kuzmarov Red Cross says Afghan humanitarian crisis too big for aid groups to handle alone, by Lexi Lonas Revisiting “Reinventing Collapse” with Dmitry Orlov, by JH Kunstler (Podcast) Fauci Funded ‘Cruel’ Puppy Experiments Where Sand Flies ‘Eat Them Alive’; Vocal Cords Severed Big Pharma’s Dems Score Ad Blitz, by Andrew Perez