- ♫ Lynyrd Skynyrd – Freebird – 1977
- Advocating World War Three Is Just Mainstream Punditry Now, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Stop World War III — Now! by Eric Margolis
- Putin: ‘The Situation Is, to a Certain Extent, Revolutionary,´ by Pepe Escobar
- Washington’s Plan to Break Up Russia, by Mike Whitney
- The Ever Widening War, by Paul Craig Roberts
- SC Editorial: Dirty Nuke Bomb Fits Kiev Regime’s Record of Foul Tricks and Corruption
- A few headlines about civilizational values, by The Saker
Pentagon Will No Longer Rule Out Use Of Nuclear Weapons Against Non-Nuclear Threat, by Tyler Durden
- Stalker Zone: About the “Slowness” of Russia’s Military Operation…
- The Consortium Imposing the Growing Censorship Regime, by Glenn Greenwald
- Russia Kherson Offensive; Putin Rejects Globalism, Fair World System, Warns of Great Dangers Ahead (Mercouris Podcast)
- Democracy, the Most Dangerous Religion: Part 3 – Choosing Government Leaders, by Larry Romanoff
- Destroying Democracy To Save It – Gonzalo Lira Podcast
- Tucker Carlson: The US is about to run out of diesel fuel (Video)
- Israel Escalates Continual Airstrikes in Syria, by Steven Sahiounie
- The Firings Begin: Twitter CEO, CFO, & Top Censor Escorted Out, by Tyler Durden
Welcome to hell, Elon: You break it, you buy it, by Nilay Patel
Kay Nielsen
- Rogue News Roundtable, w/M Ehret, X Flores, M Sieff, CJ & V (Video)
- Ukraine War Day #247: Hate Thy Neighbor [continued some more], by yalensis
- Sound and Fury: On nukes, order of battle, and chariots, by Big Serge
- Putin and 26 Year Olds (Andrei Martyanov Podcast)
- Would It be Justifiable to Kill and Sacrifice Half-Million Jewish Children for Whatever Reason? by Jung-Freud
- #Maha_Amini hashtag on street advertising in downtown Brussels! What can this mean? by Gilbert Doctorow
- The Deracination of Western Civilization, by Paul Craig Roberts
- When donor pressure threatens to erase Palestine from academia, by Alice Rothchild
- Alarming Drop in Birth Rates and Fertility Among mRNA Vaccinated Women – Dr. Naomi Wolf interviews Igor Chudov
- Funeral Directors & Embalmers Unite to Expose A Day in the Death of Life (Video)
- Horses, F-Bombs, and Mace in Penn State Madness, by Matt Taibbi, Ford Fischer (Video)
- Bolsonaro Implements Policies Completely Subservient to U.S. government, by Julian Cola
- WEF: “Climate Reparations” on Top of the COP27 agenda, by Igor Chudov
- Sympathy for Alex Jones, by Ted Rall
- ‘100s of Satanic Cults Backed by US in Orthodox Ukraine’, Allegation by Russian Gen´l Causes Uproar
- Russia To Build State Based on Traditional Spiritual and Moral Values (Video)