- ♫ Tom Lehrer: In Old Mexico
- US Can’t Deal with Defeat, by Michael Brenner
- Jeffrey Sachs: NATO Expansion & Ukraine’s Destruction
- MoA: How Will The Biden Administration Cope With Its Loss In Ukraine?
- The Duran: The Blinken Doctrine – A two front war with Russia and China (Video)
- New Iron Curtain in Europe, Like Last One, is a Creation of Western Hostility, by Finian Cunningham
- Okinawa Disproves The US Narrative About Overseas Bases, by Caitlin Johnstone
- The Post-Truth Anti-Bullshitters are Just Producing a More Sophisticated Type of Bullshit, by J Alexander
- For the Children! The Stunning Banality of Democratic Messaging for 2024, by Bill Astore
- People We Should Know: Glenn Greenwald – Success and death threats, in equal measure, by John Rubino
- ☕️ BORDER WARS ☙ Thursday, September 21, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠, by Jeff Childers
- What Really Happened on 9/11? by Dr. Joseph Mercola
- No Diversity for White People, by Paul Craig Roberts
- Is America’s Decline in Stage 4 Terminal? by John Leake
- The BRI in Africa: Gateway to Peace or Debt Trap Diplomacy? by Matthew Ehret (Audio)
- Zelensky’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad D.C. Snubfest, by Simplicius The Thinker
- NATO Fractures: In U-Turn, Poland Announces It Will No Longer Arm Ukraine, by Tyler Durden
- Putin Talks Aliyev, Pashinyan; Zelensky UN Falls Flat, Ukr Aid Dwindles Rejects Talks, Rus Offensive (Mercouris Podcast)

- Ukraine War Day #575: Karen + Doo bye-bye, by yalensis
- How Pashinyan betrayed Armenia for a US pat on the back and a Snoop Dogg concert, by Drago Bosnic
- Syria On The Verge Of Collapse? by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi
- The BRICS Summit 2023: Seeking an Alternate World Order?
- This Is Bad: Digital Currency Announced At G20 Summit! The Jimmy Dore Show
- Jacinda Ardern Calls on the UN to Crack Down on Free Speech as a Weapon of War, by Jonathan Turley
- Maine Medical Bd Puts Dr. Nass on Probation, Imposes ‘Draconian’ Sanctions, by Suzanne Burdick
- Oktoberfest virus hysteria and the persistent epidemiological mythology of the mass gathering, by eugyppius
- Lab Created Nipah Clones Connected To Wuhan/Clade X & NIH’s mRNA Injection – Ryan Cristián Video
- Lobbyists Paid ‘Influencer’ Nutritionists to Promote Aspartame and Sugar to Kids on Social Media – B Baletti
- You don’t own your kids? Just what are these people driving at? by el gato malo
- All Over America, Blue Cities Are Facing A Severe Shortage Of Police Officers, by Michael Snyder
- Biden meets Netanyahu in New York, declaring U.S. support ‘ironclad,’ by Michael Arria
- What the Saudi Crown Prince Said, and Didn’t Say, about Palestine, Israel, Iran, and Normalization
- Infamous U.S. Army Counterinsurgency Manual Used in False-Flag Terrorist Operations, by Denis Voltaire
- Republicans Embrace Ballot Harvesting for 2024, Some Foresee Legal Battles, by Patricia Tolson
- Almost Half Of All Young Adults In The United States Are Living With Their Parents, by Michael Snyder
- Why Are UN Human Rights Advocates Obsessed With Legalising the Sex Trade? by David McGrogan