Sep 24, 2021

♫ Unfinished Life – Kate Wolf
True Humility, True Forgiveness, by Caitlin Johnstone
How Corporations Won the War on Terror, by William Hartung
Putin the Poisoner? More Doubts Over Attempts to Delegitimize Russia’s Leader, by Philip Giraldi
An Unprincipled Attack on a Human Rights Giant, by Marjorie Cohn
Israel will be ‘gone’ in 20 years, says Wilkerson, former State Dept aide, by Philip Weiss
Israel’s Government Attacks Ordinary Jews As Well As Palestinians, by John Spritzler
The Jewish Origins of American Legal Pluralism, by Andrew Joyce
Congress votes to send another $1 billion to Israel, by Michael Arria
Xi calls for bolstering confidence, jointly addressing global challenges at UNGA
Biden says ‘no cold war’ at UN, Biden’s ‘duplicity no different from Trump,’ selfish in nature
Why Do Doctors Go Along with COVID Panic Porn and CDC Prescriptions? by Ted Noel, MD
Nicki Minaj: The Celebrity Who Skipped the Met Gala Over Vaccine Mandate and Unmasked Elitist Hypocrisy, by Robert Bridge
Protesters Led by Construction Workers in Melbourne Shut Down Major Freeways Over COVID Tyranny and Mandatory Vaccines
Menstrual changes after covid-19 vaccination
Why Do Europeans Live Longer Than Americans? by Sam Pizzigati
Irish MEP criticizes European Parliament report on Russia (Video)
CELAC, the Community of Latin American and the Caribbean States, by Chris Faure
‘NYT’ glorifies an Israeli war crime, with reporting by AIPAC’s friend Bergman, by James North and Philip Weiss
Paying more for household bills? Blame Russia’s meddling in gas markets, Western commentators say, by Tarik Cyril Amar
Race: A Very, Very Dismal Reality, by Fred Reed
Out Of Control Black Violence: US Crime Data Estimates Show Murder Rate Is At 25 Year High, by Eric Striker
‘Tax the rich’? Dems’ plans to make the wealthy pay a little more will barely dent America’s long slide from progressive taxation
Iran’s president slams US in first speech to UN as leader, by Aya Batrawy
Cuban FM States US Lacks Moral Authority to Promote Peace
Australian submarines: an immature and potentially devastating move, by Jean-Luc Basle
On the Cover of New York Magazine: the Revolt of New York City’s Delivery Workers, by Aude Whitel