Daily posts

Sep 26, 2021

No More Wars
♫ Santana’s “Una Noche en Napoles” ft. Lilla Downs, Soledad and Niña

What Should Replace the EU, by Eric Zuesse

Who Really Runs the Middle East? by Cynthia Chung
UN Food Summit Taken Over by Corporations & Gates, by Nils McCune and Camila Escalante (Video)
Lessons learned from the escaped Palestinian political prisoners, by Haidar Eid
Eurasian consolidation ends the US unipolar moment (2 of 2), by Pepe Escobar
Sergey Lavrov Addresses United Nations General Debate (ENG)
Just 9 votes — but ‘bitter’ House debate is an advance for progressive stance on Israel, by J. North and P. Weiss  
If The ‘Iron Dome’ Controversy Was About A Fist Fight, by Caitlin Johnstone
The Republic Is Dead, by Vincent McCaffrey
Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond´), by Matthew Ehret
Philly activists target billionaire Jeffrey Yass over his connections to Israeli apartheid, by Michael Arria
Norway Has the Opposite Covid Policy to the US, UK, and EU, by Paul Craig Roberts
NY Times Advises China on Covid-19: Abandon Success, Try Failure, by John V. Walsh
AUKUS Is a Criminal War Footing Towards China, by Finian Cunningham
Political Declaration: The Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations
Over 3,000 Doctors and Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
     Top Infectious Disease Epidemiologist Lists 4 Reasons Why Kids Shouldn’t Be Vaccinated For COVID, by K. Walker
          Vaccine Effectiveness Drops Further in the Over-40s, To as Low as Minus 53%, by Will Jones
Britain will never be taken seriously with a genuine charlatan as prime minister, by Patrick Cockburn
The UN Inquiry into Hammarskjöld’s Death: Last Chance to Reach the Truth? (Video)
The Struggle to Keep Chávez’s Legacy Alive: Stories of Resistance from El Maizal Commune (Part III)
Open Borders and Affluent Americans, by Robert Weissberg
11 years after EU and Creditors are still looting and destroying Greece
Kom Binnen En Leer, by Linh Dinh
Evolution Goes into Reverse, by Jared Taylor
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