- ♫ Paul McCartney “A Day In A Life/Give Peace A Chance/Let It Be”
- NATO’s Five Steps to Control Any Country, by Declan Hayes
- MoA: The Ukrainian ‘Counteroffensive’ Was Destined To Fail – Today It Did So
- The Russo-Ukrainian War: A Six Month Retrospective, by Big Serge
- Keeping What Matters In Focus, by Andrei Martyanov
- From May 9th in Moscow to September 3rd in Beijing, the Anti-West Order Comes Full Circle, by Jeff Brown
- Covid 19: Excess deaths, the data, by Dr. John Campbell
- J Street student leader supports BDS and slams ‘pro-Israel’ messaging, by Philip Weiss
- Ukraine Disaster Troops Surrounded on Ingulets River; Europe Disaster Gazprom Suspends Nord Stream 1 (Mercouris Podcast)
Gonzalo Lira Roundtable #18: Clifton Duncan, Dr. Chris Martenson (Video)
The Duran: G7 Russian oil price cap, admission of defeat from collective west. Part 2 (Video)
- Strategic Culture Editorial: Lessons From Gorbachev’s Peace Vision Betrayed By U.S.
- Surprise: Stocks Tumble After Gazprom “Completely Halts” Nord Stream Indefinitely Due To “Unexpected” Leak, by Tyler Durden
- Open Letter: Palestinian NGOs to Biden: Condemn Israel’s criminalization of human rights defenders
- Russia Accurately States That It Is America’s Fault Food Is So Expensive, by Andrew Anglin
- How Arab states perceive the US-China standoff, by Mohammad Salami
- Is the Age of Big Bang Cosmology and ‘the Science of Scarcity’ Finally Coming to an End? by Matthew Ehret
- The Cuban Revolution: July 26 Marked the Sixty-Nine Year Anniversary of the Attack on the Moncada Barracks, by Richard Dunn
- Biden’s hateful rhetoric against Americans presents the GOP with a sterling opportunity, by Rajan Laad
Biden’s Partisan Anti-MAGA Rant—Mean, Spiteful, Illiterate Drivel, by John Derbyshire
CNN Caught Color-Shifting Biden’s Hell-Red Rant Mid-Speech, by Tyler Durden
Humor Dept: Biden Condemns Fascism In Speech While Also Debuting Attractive New Mustache
After Using FBI To Suppress Son’s Crimes And Raid Political Rival’s Home, Biden Warns Democracy In Danger
- Dominique Strauss-Kahn Revisited, by Larry Romanoff
- Ukraine War Day #192: Back To School! by yalensis
- Russia to Deport Foreigners Promoting LGBT in Russia, by Fr. Joseph Gleason
- Life under Israeli occupation continues, by Mazin Qumsiyeh
- The Future Historical Perspective on German National Socialism, by Raches
- Silwad: the small town Israel fears most, by Shahd Abdulrahman
- Power Company Seizes Control Of Thermostats In Colorado During Heatwave, by Paul Joseph Watson
- Vilfredo Pareto: Influential `Fascist’ Sociologist and Philosopher, by James Alexander