Daily posts

Sep 6, 2021

DC – Eye of Sauron
♫ Transatlantic Sessions – Wild Mountain Thyme

The Incantational Bewitchment of Propaganda, by Edward Curtin

Manufacturing (New Normal) “Reality,” by CJ Hopkins
The media’s weapons of mass deception, by Yvonne Ridley
The Era of Impunity
Nearly 1 million people killed in 20 years of US ‘war on terror’ – report, by Steve Sweeney
The Perils of Forgetting: Learn From the Afghan War or Repeat It! by Maj. Danny Sjursen (ret.)
It’s Time To Reassess Our Relationship With Israel, by Sahand Yazdanyar
On Child Vaccines, the Experts Are Suddenly Reluctant to Follow ‘The Science,’ by Jonathan Cook
Military Doctor: “The COVID Vaccine Program has Killed More Young Active Duty People Than COVID Did” (Video)
Rolling Stone Issues ‘Update’ After Horse Dewormer Hit-Piece Debunked, by Tyler Durden
England admits more vaccinated people are dying of the delta variant of covid than unvaccinated people
Vaccine Voodoo, by James Rickards
UK Defense ministry document reveals Skripals blood samples could have been manipulated, by D. Gaytandzhieva
China’s Marxist “Profound Revolution” Is Here, And Nobody In The West Is Ready, by Michael Every
US economic war on Cuba continues, even after war in Afghanistan ends, by Radhika Desai (Video)
China, Russia, France, Israel Pay Tribute to Mikis Theodorakis’ Work, Life
The Stagflation Threat Is Real, by Nouriel Roubini
No Sovoks → 500 Million Russians, by Anatoly Karlin
Our Afghan Atomic Bomb—Insane Foreign Policy Meets Insane Immigration Policy, by John Derbyshire
Planned Expansion of Facial Recognition by US Agencies Called ‘Disturbing’ by EFF, by Julia Conley
“Holy F*ck This Person Is A Sociopath”: A Former Theranos Interviewee on Meeting Elizabeth Holmes
The Great Replacement Comes For Captain America: He’s Now Black, by Paul Kersey
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