- ♫ Avril Lavigne – Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door
- Great power rivalries: the case for realism, by John Mearsheimer
- Revisiting John Pilger’s 2016 Warnings About US Warmongering, by Caitlin Johnstone (Video)
- PCR: The Most Accurate Description of the West Today Seems to be in the Book of Revelation
- Adding a Touch of Nuance to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, by Matthew Ehret (Video)
- MoA: Media Say … Gloom And Doom In China
- ASEAN Summit Begins, by Karl Sanchez
- G20: Last Waltz in a World Torn Apart, by M.K. Bhadrakumar
- Chris Hedges: How the Uniparty blocks third party presidential candidates (Audio)
- H.G. Wells’ Predictive Programming Revolution: UFOs, Drugs, and the Great Reset, by Matthew Ehret
- The Madness of Clowns, by Neil Wayland
- The Good in Our Hearts, by Paul Cudenec
- The Kings of Wishful Thinking Redefine ‘Progress,’ by Mark Chapman
- Ukr Attacks Fail, Syrsky Situation ‘Complex’; West Fears Rus Offensive, Alarmed Rus North Korea Ties (Mercouris Podcast)
- Ukraine War Day #560: Meet The New Guy! [concluded], by yalensis
- Corrupt Billionaire Behind Zelensky’s Rise To Fame & Power Arrested, by Tyler Durden
- What Signal Do Putin-Erdogan Talks Send to West? by Ekatarina Blinova
- Norway’s Nobel Committee Joins NATO’s Pile Up on Belarus, by Declan Hayes

- ☕️ LITERAL CHAOS ☙ Wednesday, September 6, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠, by Jeff Childers
- The US biowarfare project which caused the Covid-19 debacle – Part 7, by Paula Jardine
- New York Times Guide to Fall Vaccine Shots Is ‘Disinformation,’ by Michael Nevradakis
- Lancet Study Explodes Myth of Asymptomatic Spread, by Will Jones
- Spike Protein Linked to Alzheimer’s Acceleration, by John Leake
- Spiegel schoolmarm demands Germans “act responsibly” and “get their masks back out,” by eugyppius
- 2015: Former Malaysian PM Warns of Globalist Scheme to Reduce Population to One Billion (Video)
- Scientists Have Created A Human “Entity” That Has No Mother Or Father, by Michael Snyder
- The Hot Zone: Report from Lahaina: Conflicts and controversies in the disaster’s wake, by John Leake
- Why there is no illegal immigration in China, by Frans Vandenbosch
- “No Choice”: Musk Threatens Suit Against ADL, by Tyler Durden
- 40% of Apparent Global Warming Since 1850 Due to Urban Heat Corruptions, Study Finds, by C Morrison
- September 2023, Eyesore of the Month, by James Howard Kunstler
- Identity Crisis: The Network Behind Gender Identity Ideology, by Derrick Broze
- The Misogyny Myth, by John Tierney
- ‘No Accountability’: HRW Report Reveals Spike in Israeli Killing of Palestinian Children
- Recession Watch: Obscure But Scary, by John Rubino
- Oppenheimer, Berkeley & the Bomb, by Tony Platt