Daily posts Apr 17, 2022 / ♫ I Don’t Look Good Naked Anymore The Great Acquiescence — Glory to Ukraine, by Patrick Lawrence How Much Are We Prepared To Sacrifice To Help The US Win A Propaganda War Against Putin? by Caitlin Johnstone Sitrep: Operation Z April 16, 2022, by Nightvision Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova’s interview with “RT” TV Channel, Moscow, Apr 16th Ukraine-Russia: Towards a “Hot War”? Advancing the Agenda of the Great Reset? by Peter Koenig Despite U.S. Bluff and Bluster, Pentagon’s Bioweapon Threat to Russia and China Is Serious, by Finian Cunningham U.S. DoD awarded a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist The West Needs WWIII – Martin Armstrong, by Greg Hunter (Video) Do Americans Really Want to Support the Neo-Nazi Filled Western Ukrainian Government? by John Potash The 1984 Bellyfeel of Paradise: Inside the Media Dome, by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin Corporate Media Finally Admits The Truth About The Pfizer Injection, While Heart Attacks Explode – Ryan Cristián Podcast Israeli forces storm Al-Aqsa, attack worshipers inside the mosque, by Yumna Patel Palestine’s Widening Geography of Resistance: Why Israel Cannot Defeat the Palestinians, by Ramzy Baroud Musk Speaking To Co-Investors As Twitter Board Adopts “Poison Pill” To Thwart Hostile Takeover, by Tyler Durden Twitter Suspends LibsofTikTok For Featuring Liberals Talking About Themselves? by Jonathan Turley Kuzmarov: Will the Decline of the U.S. Empire Usher in a More Peaceful World Order, or Will New Empires Emerge If Israel/Palestine become a true democracy– uh-oh, there goes the Jewish state — Moulton, by Philip Weiss BDS fights heat up across campuses, by Michael Arria Chris McIlrath: All about China, Russia, Ukraine, bioweapons, East v. West.. Jeff Brown Podcast Jim Bovard on the Michigan Acquittals, Terrorism Entrapments and the FBI’s All-Around Awfulness (Audio) Hillary Clinton’s Emails Confirm The “Real Agenda” Behind the US-NATO War on Libya, by T.A. Guzman