- ♫ ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ | Apocalypse Now
- Unilateral Sanity Could Save the World, by Norman Solomon
- Pepe Escobar: Clash of Civilizations in Kazakhstan
- Money for Nothing and Nothing for Money, by James Howard Kunstler
- Greenwald: Congress Again Renews FBI’s Warrantless Spying Power Over Americans (Video Transcript)
- After 3 big wins is the Anglophone empire finally losing? by Ramin Mazaheri
- Flooding Gaza’s Tunnels Is Proof the Final Solution Has Begun, by Declan Hayes
- Miko Peled: They Stole a Country in Full Bloom (Video)
- All The Propaganda Is Splattering Against A Solid Wall Of Reality, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Witnesses Say IDF Troops ‘Executed’ Women and Children in Gaza School, by Brett Wilkins
- Day 70: A deteriorating public health crisis in Gaza, raids across the occupied West Bank
- Call for action on the Israeli destruction of Palestinian natural and cultural heritage, by Mazin Qumsiyeh
- The hope of ending ‘Israel’s fever dream’: Mondoweiss interviews Craig Mokhiber
- Why Our (U.S.) Government Supports Israel and Why We Shouldn’t, by John Spritzler
- India, Israel and the neo-Fascist International, by Aparna Gopalan
- Jew-S-A! Jew-S-A!: Should Americans launch a Hyperconformity Intifada? by Kevin Barrett
- Why Join the Military to Defend Everyone Except Americans? by Doug Bandow
- Orf vs. the Memory Hole: “Extreme MAGA Republicans,” by Matt Taibbi
- Boeing CEO Made $22. in 2023 While Boeing’s Weapons Kill Civilians in Senseless US Wars, by Jeremy Kuzmarov
- The Sinister ‘Public Health’ Agenda is Just Getting Started, by Dr David Bell
- New York COVID-19 Hospital Frontline: The Silent Witness – An NYC doctor shares what he saw
- A Star Witness of the Criminal Pandemic Response, by John Leake
- mRNA RSV Vaccine: 81 Adverse Reactions per Each Prevented Case of RSV (a cold), by Igor Chudov
- Hundreds more middle-aged adults are dying every month since Covid ended, by Emily Craig
- SC Editorial: Zelensky’s Global Begging Tour Is an Obscene Fiasco
- Putin Tough on Ukraine, Control Odessa, Black Sea; Orban Blocks EU Funding; Israel Hezbollah Strike (Mercouris Podcast)
- Ukraine War Day #660: Putin: “Keep ’em coming in Krynki!” by yalensis
- Odessa, the City of Catherine, by Scott Ritter
- Putin’s Q&A and Some Revealing Article Roundups on AFU’s Deterioration, by Simplicius The Thinker
- Scott Ritter: ‘War Disaster’ Russia uses cluster bombs in Ukraine (Video)
- Russia Bans Cell Phone Use in Schools; Installation of Cell Towers Prohibited on School Property
- ☕️ OVERTHROWN ☙ Friday, December 15, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠, by Jeff Childers
- Holocaust narrative is inaccurate or misleading: Weber and Cole on the `Montel Williams Show’ (Video)
- The double standards of pro-Palestinian defenders of ‘freedom of expression,’ by Gilbert Doctorow
- When the New York Times lost its way, by James Bennet
- Chris Hedges w/Liz Komar on the decay of the American legal system, the criminalization of poverty and the crisis of mass incarceration (Video Transcript)
- AI weather forecasting – are we having another “alpha go moment”? by el gato malo
- Claudine Gay, Plagiarist, by eugyppius