Daily posts Jan 5, 2022 / ♫ Skipinnish – “”Walking On The Waves” Forecast 2022: Dumpster Fire Blazing on the Frontier of a Dark Age, by JH Kunstler Will the DC Idiots Bring the End of the Western World in 2022? by Paul Craig Roberts Killing the First Amendment: How “the Law” fails to deliver Justice, by Philip Giraldi Quoth the Raven: The Mainstream Media Is Losing The Fight Of Its Life…All Thanks To Joe Rogan Meta Censors Anti-Imperialist Speech In Obedience To The US Government, by Caitlin Johnstone Mass Formation Psychosis: Dr. Mattias Desmet, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough (Video) The ‘40% Death Rate Increase’ Story Is the Vaxx-Mortality Smoking Gun the PTB Are Frantically Burying 14 of 15 post-COVID shot deaths studied by researchers found to be vaccine related Denmark health chief says Omicron is bringing the END of the pandemic and ‘we will have our normal livesback in two months’ Over 70s 10 TIMES less likely to die from Covid than last year, by Lucy Johnston Harvard Hardens Medical Tyranny, by Stephen Lendman Great Barrington Authors Hit Back At Collins and Fauci Daily Sceptic News Round-Up 01/04 Russia Is Not the Great Rival; China Is, by Pat Buchanan Russia Draws a Big Red Line, w/ Kevin Barrett (Video) Hollow US No Use of Nukes Pledge, by Stephen Lendman Kuzmarov: There’s No Reason to Believe That Bill Clinton Is a CIA Asset — Except for All the Evidence The Zionist Shadows of Woodrow Wilson During World War I and Its Aftermath in Paris, by Kacey Gunther Thousands march to honor WWII Nazi collaborator (Video) Is Kazakhstan Russia’s next Ukraine? by James M. Dorsey Palestine solidarity in the City of Brotherly Love, by Dave Reed (Podcast) Solidarity with Palestine in Stadiums: When Sports and Politics Conjoin, by Yousef M. Aljamal My Resolution to Write, by John Kiriakou Israel’s latest radioactive threat: appraisals of its Apartheid nature, by Jonathan Ofir The Jewish Schism Deepens, by Lawrence Davidson America Saw A Record 691 Mass Shootings In 2021, 0 Attacks By “White Supremacists,” by Eric Striker Climate Paper published in prestigious journal calls for ‘authoritarian environmentalism’ modeled after COVID lockdowns Will Draconian Made-in-the-USA Flu/Covid Policies Exceed Star Trek in 2022? by Stephen Lendman