- ♫ Andelucious – Hassebni
- Humanity Is Learning That The Rules Are All Made Up.. by Caitlin Johnstone
- Russia vs. Ukraine Or Civil War In The West? w/Jordan Peterson (Video)
- Ripping up the Evidence: How Israel Maintains Global Impunity, by Gideon Levy
- RT CrossTalk: What is the Elite World Order? w/Matthew Ehret (Podcast)
- The Fantasy of Fanaticism: Grim Reality of the Ukraine War, by Scott Ritter
- Recent Words By Putin That Must Be Repeated and Shared, by Karl Sanchez
Lavrov scolds G7 leaders, Putin’s speech signals the end of neoliberal world order (Duran Podcast)
- Nuclear Russian Roulette in Ukraine, by Declan Hayes
- ‘Don’t it Always Seem to go, That You Don’t Know What You Got ’til it’s Gone?’ It’s Already too Late, so Take Your Time Wising up – New Kremlin Stooge
- Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 10.07.2022 (Podcast)
- Spitting on the West’s Rules at the Top Level: What Putin Did Not Say, but Patrushev Did, by Vladimir Khomyakov
- Get Out of Syria, by Daniel Larison
- ‘The Camp of the Saints’ Is the Story of Our Time, by Paul Craig Roberts
- Purpose of Biden-Financed Bio-Projects Was to Create Infections That Damage Agriculture: Russian MoD
Documentary! US’s global WMD bioweapons are not “Russian-Chinese lies,” Demand war crimes trial now!
- Achieving Self-Funding Local Sovereignty as Global Food Systems Collapse, by Ellen Brown
- Joe Biden’s SPR Caper—A Triple Bogey, by David Stockman
- EU Plans Now to Actually Pay Companies to Slow Down Production. Where Will the Madness End? by Martin Jay
- Keeping Above the Chaos in Times of Crisis, w/Matthew Ehret (Video)
- Is Chinese Socialism Working? w/Michael Hudson, Paul Jay and Patrick Bond (Video, Transcript)
- Ghassan Kanafani and the inexhaustible dialectic, by Haidar Eid
- Russia Says It Will Increase Gas To Europe Under One Condition, by Irina Slav
Germany Is Quietly Shutting Down As Energy Crunch Paralyzes Economy, by Tyler Durden
- Gallup: Confidence in U.S. Institutions Down; Average at New Low
- The Russo-Ukrainian War Continues to Kill, Maim, and Destroy: Is the Biden Administration Fueling the Conflict? by Doug Bandow
- Ukraine War Day #137: Zaporozhian Harvest [continued and concluded], by yalensis
- Nuclear Buffoons: Jews Select Politicians for Compliance, Not Competence, by Tobias Langdon
- Tory Rivals ‘Draw up Files on S&M Kinks, X-Rated Pics and Drugs’ Ahead of ‘Dirtiest’ Leadership Race
- Elon Musk Terminates Deal To Buy Twitter; Board To Pursue Legal Action, by Tyler Durden