Jul 11, 2023
- ♫ Radiohead – Creep
- The Blob Begins to Quiver, by James Howard Kunstler
- The New ‘New World,’ by Michael Brenner
- The US Is War, by Caitlin Johnstone
- NATO Summit, a Theater of the Absurd, by Scott Ritter
- Ukraine War Day #502: What To Expect In Vilnius? by yalensis
- Meta’s ‘Kinder,’ ‘Friendlier’ Twitter Rival Might Be the Most Censorious Platform Yet, by Richard Eldred
- MoA: Ukraine SitRep: ‘Mosquito’ Tactics – S-200 Land Attacks
- Cluster Bomb Strategy Will Be Cluster-f*** for Ukraine and NATO, by Martin Jay
- Douglas Macgregor – Double Down on The Offensive (Video)
- The Globalists Are Making Really Big Moves To Change How Our Society Operates, by Michael Snyder
- Why the West Hates Russia! by Gilbert Doctorow (Video)
- The Looting of Medicare, by Paul Craig Roberts
- The Holocaust Debate, by Ron Unz
- Burning the Quran and the Counter-Offensive: Why the West Is Panicking, by Ramzy Baroud
- Zaluzhny Tells Zelensky Offensive Unsustainable, Should be Stopped; Wagner Swear Loyalty, Rejoin War (Mercouris Podcast)
- Top Dove: Peacenik, by Bill Astore
- Dongping Han: For Westerners considering war with the Chinese people – Jeff Brown Audio, Transcript
- Wokeness: This is Psychosis, Plain and Simple, by Todd Hayen
- Greenwald: How Endless War Bankrupted US While Inflicting Mass Suffering at Home (Video)
- Love & Revolution: forging a shared vision of our free future, by Paul Cudenec
- Left with few tanks and ammunition, Ukraine puts its hope in cluster munitions, by Ahmed Adel
- Peter Myers Digest: US sought to turn Russia’s Crimean naval base into a NATO fortress
- De-Dollarization Just Got Real, Part 2: BRICS To Introduce Gold-Backed Currency In August, by John Rubino
- Turkey’s Erdogan Betrays Putin, by Larry Johnson
- Every Single Covid Mandate Failed (Maajid Nawaz, Audio)
- Quadruple vaxxed woman claims to be on her 10th Covid infection, hopes more jabs will save her, by eugyppius
- French riots show that decades of mass ‘colonizing immigration’ could lead to ‘collapse’
- Peter Myers Digest: French Left follow Saul Alinsky’s model for ethnic war
- The violent purging of womanhood, by Brendan O’Neill
- “If you see a TERF, punch them in the f——— face!” – Twitter
- Caged, Stripped, Beaten: Latest ‘Save the Children’ Report on Palestine Makes Chilling Read
- The Rampant Greenwashing Destroying Our Planet, by Dr. Joseph Mercola
- Biden Fights Censorship Injunction; Trans Autogynephilia Fetish Not Supposed to Be Discussed – Ryan Cristián Video
- The Chaos That “Underwater” Properties Caused In 2008 And 2009 Is Happening Again, by Michael Snyder
- Hiroshima Survivors Decry US-Japan Agreement Equating Pearl Harbor With Atomic Bombing, by Julia Conley