- ♫ Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) – The Beatles
- Some Musings About The Near Future, by Roger Boyd
- Historic Case Spoils US Government Agency Propaganda Machine, by Peter McCullough
- The Supreme Court Affirmative Action Ruling Is 60 Years Too Late, by Paul Craig Roberts
- Odds and Bits, by Fred Reed
- MoA: NATO’s Big Climb Down
- The Duran: Anders Rasmussen has a NATO plan for Ukraine (Video)
- Biden Keeps Lying About The US “Not Trying To Surround” China, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Douglas Macgregor – The Next Step is Nuclear Weapons (Video)
- Nazis, the British, and the Middle East, by Cynthia Chung
- Did Yevgeny Prigozhin Really Lead an Armed Rebellion in Russia? by Philip Giraldi
- Is the FBI Helping Ukraine’s Secret Service Censor Americans? by Matt Taibbi
- The Challenge of Freedom and Responsibility [Inquiries into our Reality] (Matt Ehret Video)
- Why the US Armed Services Cannot Recruit, by Paul Craig Roberts
- Russian POWs used as human shields during Ukrainian demining operations, by Lucas Leiroz
- Ukraine War Day #503: Russia Begins Pay-Outs To Flood Victims, by yalensis
- Erdogan still firmly in NATO bloc despite blackmailing EU, by Ahmed Adel
- China Now Has “Neurostrike Weapons” That Can “Directly Attack Or Control Brains,” by Michael Snyder

- How to Eradicate Poverty, by Vijay Prashad
- The real Covid timeline, by julimination
- CDC Says It’s Harmless, Despite 27x Miscarriage Risk, by Dr. Joseph Mercola
- CDC Becomes Public Laughing Stock Over Transgender Male Breast Feeding Guidance, by Peter McCullough, MD
- Lab Leak Theory Suppressed by Fauci and Co.? – The Hill, Video
- Cognitive Impairment in Adults – What Role Did COVID Vaccines Play? by Igor Chudov
- Covid mandates: How Professor Nudge holds us all in contempt, by Gillian Dymond
- “There’s a Movement to Sexualize Children,” by John Leake
- Lonely America: More Americans Are Living Alone Than Ever Before, by Michael Snyder
- Open Letter to His Holiness, Pope Francis I, Bishop of Rome, by Declan Hayes
- Climate Models Come With ‘Dangerous’ CO2 Warming Baked In, Code Review Finds, by Chris Morrison
- Central Bankers Predicted Net Zero Would Lower Inflation – and Got it Spectacularly Wrong, by Will Jones
- The Jenin operation didn’t end. Phase Two has already begun
- State Dept dodges question on whether Palestinians have right to defend themselves, by Michael Arria
- Dutch Government Falls After Failure to Agree Even Minimal Curbs to Mass Immigration, by Will Jones
- Who is it that benefits from health records rules and medical records projects? by Mr. L, H & T
- The Murder of ‘Whitey’ Bulger, by John Kiriakou
- Allowing The Criminals To Run Wild In The Streets Is Only Going To Make Things Worse, by Michael Snyder