- ♫ Hasta siempre, Comandante – Barcelona Gipsy balKan Orchestra
- America Is Being Eradicated, by Paul Craig Roberts
- The American Spirit behind China’s New Silk Road, by Matthew Ehret
- The Corporatization of Just About Everything—Including the Climate Crisis and Outer Space, by Tom Valovic
- The Fading Phantom of Western Unity, by Dmitry Orlov
- Sitrep Operation Z: A small pause, by Amarynth
- MoA: Will Johnson Finally Fall?
Sitrep Britain: The Titanic Hits the Iceberg, by Batiushka
- Democrats Love Saying That AR-15s Should Only Be Used On Foreigners, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Russia Destroys 2 HIMARS, UK’s Johnson Falling, China ignores Sanctions (Mercouris Podcast)
- Iranian Airbus 655 Anniversary Should Be a Chilling Reminder of U.S. Blundering, by Martin Jay
- Durden: While Sanctions create Inflation in the West, Turkey, China & India get cheap Russian oil & gas
- The JFK Assassination and Mrs. Paine, A Review Essay of Max Good’s Documentary Film, by Edward Curtin
- NATO’s Fertilizer Wars, by Declan Hayes
Your time is up Bojo
- German economy faces collapse because of Sanctions against Russia, by M.K. Bhadrakumar
German Exports Crash because of Sanctions against Russia, by Tyler Durden
- Sino-Friendship in Space: China to Manifest Family Happiness on the Moon, by Andrew Anglin
- West languishes in Stagflation, faces Recession, by Nouriel Roubini
- Canada’s Health Minister: “You Will Never Be Fully-Vaxxed,” by Mark Jeftovic
- ‘NYT’ and State Dept brazenly collaborate in Israel’s coverup of Abu Akleh killing, by James North
- In An Attempt to Offset Rising Oil Prices, Biden Administration Makes Nice with Brutal Saudis but Spurns Socialist Venezuela, by Daniel Kovalik
- Chauvinism of Jews, Greeks, & Romans and the Mediterranean Sea as the Petri Dish of History, by Jung-Freud
- Dutch Protesters Pour Manure On Government Offices Over Industry-Killing Regulations, by Tyler Durden
Dutch Farmers Bring Tank To Fertilizer Protest; Cops Shoot Tractor, by Tyler Durden
- Chomsky on Israeli Apartheid, Celebrity Activists, BDS and the One-State Solution, by Ramzy Baroud
- To What Extent Was January 6 a Ruling Class Conspiracy? – Audio w/Rachel Hu and Chris Garaffa
- Ukraine War Day #133: Zelensky The New Mazepa, by yalensis
- Ben & Jerry’s sues parent company, says West Bank sales undermine its ‘social integrity,’ by Michael Arria
- A New Sense of Possibility: Starbucks and Amazon Wins Inspire Organizing, by Dan DiMaggio, Angela Bunay
- Bezos’ $500 Million Superyacht Trapped At Dutch Shipyard, by Tyler Durden