- ♫ Charles Mingus – Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
- Thank You For Your Service, RIP, by Caitlin Johnstone
- There’s still time for us to do right and save Julian Assange from dying in US dungeon, by Peter Hitchens
- Assange: Judge Worked for Same British Government Departments That Have Pursued Assange
- AFU Suffers Horror Breakdowns as Russian Forces Repel New Advance, by Simplicius The Thinker
- Rus Claims Massive Ukr Losses Failed Offensive; Putin Shows Africa Leaders Draft Treaty US/UK Vetoed (Mercouris Podcast)
- Ukraine War Day #480: Zelensky Demeans African Delegation, by yalensis
- Ukraine’s Offensive is in Shambles as China Pursues Peace w/Douglas Macgregor – Danny Haiphong Video
- The Government Keeps Lying to Us About Ukraine. Where Is the Outrage? by Michael Tracey
- The Duran: Biden White House, project Ukraine policy shift (Video)
- Dr. McCullough Rapid Fire on The Joe Pags Show (Video)
- Poll: Most Europeans support neutrality in US-China conflict, by Blaise Malley
- The limits of populist resistance and the nature of Western liberal democratic government, by eugyppius
- The US and Iran are on the verge of a new nuclear ‘deal,’ why is the media ignoring the story? by James North
- The revolutionary power of heresy, by Brendan O’Neill
- Transcript: America This Week, June 16, 2023, “Arraignment Week,” by Matt Taibbi
- Jim Fetzer on Lawfare vs. Trump, by Kevin Barrett (Audio)
- Love in a Woke Climate, by Adam Cross
From el gato malo
- Bringing the Land Back to Life, by Alan Ereira
- “God Save the Queen, Man” – Joe Biden goes off script and off the rails, by Bill Astore
- Today’s suicidal foreign and commercial policy of Chancellor Scholz, by Gilbert Doctorow
- Kevin Barrett: Dystopia Rising – Was the Unabomber Right All Along? w/David Skrbina and John Carter (Video)
- Cardiac Episodes in Young Australians Explode Due to the mRNA Experiment, by Joel Smalley
- John Leake Interviews Dr. Andrew Wakefield on his thirty-year battle with the vaccine cartel (Video)
- The FBI’s Entrapment of Americans Continues with Latest Arrest of 18-Year Old, by Derrick Broze
- U.S. Sanctions Are Drowning Syrians, by Steven Sahiounie
- The Great Replacement, Western European-Style, by Augustin Goland
- “Trans Movement” Makes Thoughtcrime Reality – Ryan Cristián Video
- Sex education is brainwashing our kids.. It’s time to take a stand, by Matt Goodwin
- Dodgers Honor Anti-Christian Drag Nuns In Empty Stadium As Thousands Protest, by Tyler Durden
- China Announces Support For Palestinian Statehood – The Jimmy Dore Show
- Anticipating Israel’s Counter-Attack: Make the ‘One Democratic State’ Solution Mainstream Again
- Nature issues & Weekly human rights message, by Mazin Qumsiyeh
- When an Israeli airstrike destroys your house for the second time, by Tareq S. Hajjaj
- Twenty-four reasons why Net Zero must be abandoned, by David Wright
- Wildfires And Climate Change: Narrative Ever More Detached From Actual Evidence, by Francis Menton