Daily posts Nov 17, 2021 / National Suicide ♫ Evocacíon – de Damasco a Córdoba, by Juan Martin The Inability to Think in Terms of Principles, by Glenn Greenwald ‘Honest mistakes’: How the US and Israel justify the targeting and killing of civilians, by Jonathan Cook CIA Director Burns Goes to Moscow, by Philip Giraldi Will the Military Industrial Complex Permit Good Relations Between the U.S. and China? by Brian Cloughley Biden Reportedly Tells Xi Jinping US Doesn’t Support ‘Taiwan’s Independence’ More Americans Awakening to the Biden Regime’s War on Health and Freedom? by Stephen Lendman Why the failure of COP is good news, by Fraser Myers London Calling: Two Canaries in a Coal Mine | James Delingpole & Toby Young (Podcast) American Civil War and the Lesson for China and Taiwan, by Doug Bandow Defying Empire: Cuba’s Contributions to the Fight Against Racism and White Supremacy, by Franklin Frederick Are Democrats Looking to the Lifeboats? by Pat Buchanan Australian War Propaganda Keeps Getting Crazier, by Caitlin Johnstone Is the Saintly World Wildlife Fund Really a Stalking Horse in the Global South? by Michael Molitch-Hou The Roman Church: a betrayal of trust, by Jon Rappoport Covid Jab Is Far More Dangerous Than Advertised, by Dr. Joseph Mercola Dr. Peter McCullough: The COVID shot is a form of ‘bioterrorism,’ its spike protein is ‘pathogenic’ Brazenly Illegal Biden Regime Mandate, by Stephen Lendman Fanatical Followers of the Covid Regime: A Jim Jones-Style Cult? by Roger Watson and Niall McCrae Negative Vaccine Effectiveness Isn’t a New Phenomenon – It Turned Up in the Swine Flu Vaccine, by Mike Hearn Why have we doctors been silent? by Lucie Wilk Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny. Stand Down… So You Can Stand Up, by Margaret Anna Alice Florida Governor Calls Special Legislative Session to Defeat Vaccine Mandates Austria’s greatest Olympian quits political role as lockdown for unvaccinated comes in Kyle Rittenhouse Asked To Step Outside And Defend The Courthouse While Verdict Is Being Read Shade War: Psaki Does Damage Control After CNN Covers Biden-Harris-Buttigieg Drama, by Tyler Durden Russia’s Anti-Satellite Missile Test, by Stephen Lendman Overlooking Mass Killers — If They’re on the Totalitarian Left, by Paul Gottfried Revolutionary Front Seizes Haiti’s Largest Fuel Terminal as US Weighs Military Intervention, by Dan Cohen Mike Tyson ‘died’ while tripping on psychedelic toad venom