Daily posts Nov 2, 2021 / Firefighters rally to protest Covid-19 vaccine mandate ♫ Grateful Dead – Friend of The Devil PCR: An Orchestrated Fake “Covid Pandemic” Was Used to Destroy.. Frogs Slow-Boiling in Their Pans, by Alastair Crooke How the Revolution Begins – Final Messages – Part 2 (Video) David Ray Griffin and the Demonic, by Edmund Connelly Kuzmarov: “Idiots in the Pentagon Are Pushing the U.S. into a Military Confrontation with China over Nothing” Has Govt Gone Too Far Down the Vaccine-Saviour Road to Be Capable of Objective Assessment of the Evidence? Why Vaccine Passports Are Health Apartheid: The Reclaim Party (Video) Please listen before it is too late, by Rosie Langridge Nine percent of New York City workers still unvaccinated after Friday deadline Terrifying New Halloween Mask Depicts A Human Face Not Wearing A Mask Why Putin Criticized the Bolshevik Counter Revolution: Trotsky, Parvus and the War on Civilization, by Matthew Ehret Resist the Unique Patient Identifier! by Ron Paul Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou will forever be a national heroine to all citizens of China (Podcast) Fertilizer Shortages Could Become the Death Knell for Global Food Production, by Christer Ericsson If I were an atheist materialist biological machine, by Jon Rappoport Julie Burchill´s denunciation of woke and its celeb disciples (Part Two) What if wokeness really is the new Christianity? by Sean Thomas American ‘Woke’ Activists Are Like Bolshevik Communists, Says Putin, by M.W. Chapman New Digital Driver’s License: Your Vaccine Status – Eventually Your Credit (and Social Credit) Score Larudee: Seton Hall University invites supporters of continued destruction and impoverishment of Syria A realm beyond words, by Ashley S. C. Howes How the Australian Public is Short-Changed on Israel and Gaza, by John Lyons Charlottesville Trial: Underdogs Battle Leftist-Funded Lawyers Taking Aim At The First Amendment Swiss Analysis: Climate Models Running Too Warm, Falsely Calibrated… IPCC Needs “To Review Its Findings” Stealing a nation – the secret SAS mission to capture the Middle East’s oil artery, by Phil Miller