- ♫ The Snake Charmer x Goddesses of Bagpipe
- A World Without a Moral Conscience, by Paul Craig Roberts
- Israel Doesn’t Have A Gen-Z Problem, It Has A Morality Problem, by Caitlin Johnstone
- Craig Murray: Activating the Genocide Convention
- The Duran: Malta resolution moves UN closer to binding ceasefire (Video)
- Don’t be fooled. Biden is fully signed up to genocide in Gaza, by Jonathan Cook
- Washington’s approval of unending massacre is a ‘stain upon our souls,’ by Phil Weiss
- Israel Propaganda Vs Palestine Propaganda, by Caitlin Johnstone
- No Room at the Inn for Roger Waters, by Eduardo Fabregat
- The New York Intellectuals and the invention of Neoconservatism, by Denis Boneau
- Surprise, Surprise, Surprise–Golly Gee Whiz!! by Karl Sanchez
- AI reboot: control-altman-delete, by el gato malo
- Liberty at the Point of a Sword: Lessons from Napoleon and Hitler, by Bill Astore
- MoA: Urging Ukraine To Sue For Peace
- Rus Advances Avdeyevka Industry Zone, Railway; Ukr SU27 Pilot Defects, West/Ukr Face Defeat (Mercouris Podcast)
- Ukraine War Day #634: Russian Doctor Recounts The Horrors Of Gaza, by yalensis
- Peter Myers Digest: Elon Musk agrees Jews pushing anti-White Hate
- Peter Myers Digest: Israeli Ministry of Intelligence plan to deport Gazans to Egypt
- Peter Myers Digest: Former Israeli PM Olmert says Khan Yunis (not Al-Shifa Hospital) is the real HQ of Hamas

- Israel Caught Using Old Image As “Proof” Of Oct 7 Rape, Quietly Deletes It – Ryan Cristián Video
- The rubble of America’s ‘rules-based order’ in Gaza, by Debasish Roy Chowdhury
- A paradigm shift in the hundred years’ war on Palestine? by Rashid Khalidi
- How Colonialist depictions of Palestinians feed Western Stereotypes of eastern “Barbarism,” by Elizabeth Vibert
- Majority of Americans back a ceasefire in Gaza as support for Israel drops, by Richard Hall
- U.S. medical and public health institutions are complicit in genocide, by Kanav Kathuria
- Anti-Semitism: Why Does It Exist? And Why Does It Persist? by Mark Weber
- What does the Gaza Conflict Mean for the UAE, the Abraham Accords and Saudi Normalization?
- China is increasingly hostile to Israel, by Efraim Inbar
- Elon Musk Plans “Thermonuclear” Lawsuit Against Media Matters, by Tyler Durden
- How Biden proved his incompetence at Xi summit, by Bradley Blankenship
- Xi Jinping’s Three APEC Speeches & Leaders’ Declaration (Long Read), by Karl Sanchez
- How surging Chinese imports transformed global agriculture, by C Hansen, A Wingender
- They were CIA-backed Chinese rebels. Now you’re invited to their hideaway, by Patrick Winn
- From Jabs to Brainwashing, the Unrelenting Attack on America’s Youth, by Dr Mercola (Video)
- Pretext for Government Pandemic Response, by Peter McCullough, MD
- The bizarre campaign to vaccinate German children, by eugyppius
- Uranium Particles From Ukraine Detected in Europe Raising Health Issues, by Sonja van den Ende
- 4 Key Areas To Focus On As You Prepare For The Chaotic Events Of 2024 And Beyond, by Michael Snyder