Daily posts Nov 4, 2021 / ♫ Chieftains & Friends Mass Media Hasten To Help Pentagon Exonerate Itself In Afghan Airstrike, by Caitlin Johnstone 50 Yrs Since End of Bretton Woods: A Geopolitical Review, by Mauricio Metri Prominent Scientists Go Public: ‘Fauci Fooled America,’ by Jeremy Loffredo Four Competing Regime Systems: On statecraft in the USA, China, Russia, and France, by Niccolo Soldo FBI Sat On Bombshell Footage From Kyle Rittenhouse Shooting, by Tyler Durden PCR: AT&T Like Defeated Virginia Governor McAuliffe Declares America’s Problem to Be White People Governor´s race: The Red-Pilling of Loudoun County, Virginia, by Matt Taibbi (Video) Surface Tension, by George Monbiot What Big Oil Knew About Climate Change, in its Own Words, by Benjamin Franta Weiss: Israel’s secret ‘evidence’ against rights groups based on torture and lies; Europeans rejected it Shulamit Aloni: “Anti Semitism Is A Trick We Always Use” Politico’s hallucinations, by The Saker Mob rule dictates that we must all cheer a male homecoming queen, by Brendan Heard (Video) Researcher Blows the Whistle on Data Integrity Issues in Pfizer’s Vaccine Trials, by Paul Thacker The plague of fake medical trials putting lives in danger, by Barney Calman CNN Host Inadvertently Exposes COVID ‘Crisis’ Theater: It’s all one ludicrous pantomime show Early Closure of Bars and Restaurants Had No Impact on the Spread of Covid in Japan, by Noah Carl Sheikh Jarrah residents reject ‘oppressive’ agreement with settlers, by Yumna Patel Electoral Contras: U.S. Plotting to Sabotage Nicaraguan Democracy Yet Again, by Nan McCurdy Soul Man: The Genesis of Cancel Culture, by Hewitt E. Moore Imprisoning Twitter trolls is a dangerous game, by Noah Carl ‘Act of Piracy’: Iran Claims It Thwarted US Attempt to Steal Oil in Gulf of Oman, by Jake Johnson Flop 26 an orgy of hypocrisy: A bunch of biased BBC reporters, unelected billionaires, royals, celebrities.. The great climate change fallacy, by Tom Chivers Eco-alarmism: grassroots or astroturf? by Alexander Adams Daniel Pinchbeck on Media “Engineering Consent” – Kevin Barrett Podcast Palestine Action for the Planet, by Mazin Qumsiyeh Biden Evacuated From COP26 Summit, by Tyler Durden (Video) The Pope: A Conversation in Hell, by Jon Rappoport Democrat Voters are Among the Most Gullible People on Earth, by Steve McCann