Daily posts Nov 5, 2021 / ♫ The Byrds + Bob Dylan – Turn Turn Turn The U.S. Moral Superiority Complex Is Accelerating Its Decline, by Laura Ruggeri CIA Plot to Kill Assange: Will Perps Ever Face Legal Accountability? by John Kiriakou Super Serious News Reporting, by Caitlin Johnstone Lot’s of things happening at the same time, by The Saker Israel ‘Literally Owned Congress’ a Decade Ago, Says Donald Trump Biden Acknowledges ‘Immense’ Jewish Role in Mass Media and Cultural Life, by Mark Weber New Politico Owner Says Will Enforce Pro-Israel Policy Israel Approves Some 3,000 New ‘Settler’ Homes, Despite U.S. Rebuke Biden’s Response to a Question About Giving $450,000 to Illegal Aliens Should Alarm Everyone Did Provocateurs Spark The January 6 Protest At The Capitol? by Si Contino Modern Leftists Have No Capacity For Introspection, They Will Get Worse, by Sundance IRGC Maj Gen Salami speaks on the Natl Day of the Fight against Global Arrogance (Video) PCR: Hospitals Are Jammed with People Seriously Ill and Dying from the Covid Vaccine The COVID-19 tyranny: How can we encourage the silent middle to speak out? The EU is not revealing the details of its contracts with vaccine makers. Why? by Robert Bridge No, Alice, it will never be freedom day, by Mary McGreechin Aaron Rodgers and Leo Chenal—Wisconsin’s Top Two Football Stars—Resist the “Vax from Hell,” by K. Barrett Murdering infants to obtain fetal tissue for vaccine research, by Jon Rappoport Vaccine Safety Update, by Will Jones Archbishop Viganò Writes Stunning Letter On Vaccine Program, by Paul Joseph Watson Paul Thacker: Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial Let’s Compare Sweden’s Covid Outcome to That of Lockdown-Crazed Latvia, by Marko Marjanović The parents’ revolt in Virginia, by Fraser Myers Corporate Dems flounder, advocates for Palestine prevail at local level, by Michael Arria Climate change is no catastrophe; Attempts to stop warming will backfire dangerously, by M. Shellenberger Dodgy Climate Models Should be Discarded, by Luke Perry Border Crisis Hits Classrooms as Unaccompanied Minors Flood NYC Schools Kathleen Stock: I won’t be silenced; The trans activist campaign against her has backfired, by Julie Bindel The Russian Way in Warfare – The Brusilov Offensive, by Patrick Armstrong