Oct 25, 2023
- ♫ Agnus Dei – Samuel Barber
- How Much Killing Is Enough Killing? by Caitlin Johnstone
- Bobby Kennedy, Israel, and the hypocrisy of Peace and Diplomacy, by Scott Ritter
- The No Statutes of Limitation Forum: Lavrov’s Address, by Karl Sanchez
- From Balfour to Now, Western Duplicity Covers Israeli State Terrorism and Genocide, by Finian Cunningham
- Is a Palestinian Genocide in the making or an Israeli Defeat? by Paul Craig Roberts
- Israeli Official Threatens to Wipe Iran, Lebanon Off the Face of the Earth, by Jason Lemon
- Gaza, Hamas & Netanyahu’s Likud, by Dan Steinbock
- HRW: In War Crime, Israel is Still Blocking Water, Electricity to Gaza, by Sari Bashi
- Israel, by Aleks – Black Mountain Analysis
- US sending more weapons to the Middle East, by Lucas Leiroz
- Hard Lessons from Israel’s High-Tech Border Failure, by N.S. Lyons
- Israel Divisions, US No Plan, US Generals to Israel; China Peace Conf; Rus-Brazil Confer (Mercouris Podcast)
- The Humanitarian Case For Another Arab Oil Embargo, by Andrew Korybko
- Peter Myers Digest: Israeli MK-84 AIR BURST bomb (supplied by USA) struck al-Ahli hospital grounds
- Gaza and the Deepening Crisis of Western Democracy, by Marwa Samei
- Europe’s Largest News Aggregator Orders Editors to Play Down Palestinian Deaths, by Daniel Boguslaw
- How the Israel/Palestine and Russia/Ukraine Conflicts Are Similar, by Noah Carl
- On Credit Expansion & Constant War, The two organizing principles of our system, by John Leake
Gaza from an earlier age – Same crimes ought to give same judgment. - Are the Walls Finally Closing In on Ursula von der Leyen? by Nick Corbishley
- BRICS Financial and Monetary Initiatives, by Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr.
- SITREP 10/24/23: Avdeevka Victories Confirmed as Mid-East Continues Slide Toward War, by Simpicius
- Ukraine War Day #608: Palestinians Honor Kim Jong Un, by yalensis
- The Bandera Complex: A conference in Berlin
- Social contract salad: why melting pots work and salad bowls don’t, by el gato malo
- Evidence that the drug companies knew about SV40 promoter, yet decided to conceal it, by Steve Kirsch
- Confronting the COVID Global Predators. How it Overturned Our View of the World — and of Human Life
- 8-Year-Old Israeli ‘Poster Child’ for COVID Vaccines Dies of Sudden Cardiac Arrest, by John-Michael Dumais
- Andrew Bridgen’s heroic debate on excess deaths, by Kathy Gyngell
- ☕️ BELLE’S BOOGALOO ☙ Tuesday, October 24, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠, by Jeff Childers
- Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Missouri v. Biden, by John Leake
- US Prison Chief’s Dim Prospects, by John Kiriakou
- Russia and China Dominating the Race for Nuclear Electricity Generation, by Ronald Stein
- Peter Schiff: This Is the Most Obvious Financial Crisis That Nobody Sees Coming
- More Bad News for Digital Dollar in US, by Nick Corbishley
- The Possum Chronicles: Fred Admits Journalistic Dishonesty About Mexico, by Fred Reed
- Russia Increasing Number Of Container Ships On India – China Routes By 50%
- Electric Cars May Become Uninsurable, by Toby Young