Daily posts Sep 16, 2021 / Psychedelic ♫ Michelle & Louise Mulcahy | Gradam Ceoil Is the United States in Her Death Throes? by Paul Craig Roberts The Winner in Afghanistan: China, by Alfred W. McCoy The Roots of 9.11 and the War on Terror – II: Project for the New American Century Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake, by Alan Sabrosky Despite its exit, the US will continue to wage war on Afghanistan, by Jonathan Cook New Poll Finds That 50% Of Americans Support Cutting Aid To Israel, by Eric Striker ´Decolonizing Israel, Liberating Palestine: Zionism, Settler Colonialism, and the Case for One Democratic State´ Shockingly, CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated, by Dr. Joseph Mercola Because They Are Evil, by Andrew W. Coy Israeli spy tech firm exploited vulnerability on all phone devices to implant ‘Pegasus’ malware Snowden says Apple won’t decide what it scans the phones for – governments will Walking the streets of Gaza after 15 years of absence, by Emad Moussa No Joke: Late-Night Talk Shows Are a Powerful Propaganda Arm of the Democratic Party, by Robert Bridge Infographic: US military presence around the world NYT fearmongers about the Iran nuclear deal, while ignoring Israel’s efforts to sabotage it, by James North A Forever Foreign Policy Debate, by Lawrence Davidson Prisoners recaptured: lawyer visits denied, allegations of torture and mistreatment, by Yumna Patel Kuzmarov: Racist Stereotypes About Africa in the U.S. Media Have Long Driven its Rape and Plunder.. Where is the Outcry? The Case for Legalizing Psychedelics, by Nick Licata India’s deepening love affair with Israel, by Somdeep Sen Marx Got It Right: Mass Immigration Wrecks Wages. Why Won’t America’s Resurgent Communists Admit It? by Carl Horowitz Is Britain’s Security Chief for Real? Top Spook’s Rant on Afghanistan Smacked of Fake News, by Martin Jay Black Lives Matter? Six Years of Almost Entirely Non-White Mass Shootings in Chicago, by Paul Kersey