Daily posts

Sep 22, 2021

Scrambled Brains
♫ Santana – The Healer

The Empire’s Last Stand, by Patrick Lawrence

Coronavirus World Update Lies for Big Pharma Causing More People to Die, by Paul Craig Roberts
From Glorious Millennia to Death and Destruction: Zionists Rewrite Palestine’s Story, by Miko Peled
The Great Reset: First Thought Up by the Original Proselytizer of Totalitarianism and the Father of Neo-Conservatism, by Cynthia Chung
Israel can’t be faulted for anything, thanks to hasbara culture’s narrative of Jewish victimhood, by Yakov Hirsch
The First World War, Cecil Rhodes & Anglo-Saxon Power, by David William Pear
With Clinton Lawyer Charged, Russiagate Scam Now Under Indictment, by Aaron Maté
AUKUS: Returning to de Gaulle or a Storm in a Teacup? by William Mallinson
Bury My Heart at Bended Knee (An Experimental Epitaph for Canada), by Marcel Woland
9/11 and the Politics of Fear and Self-Preservation, by Whitney Webb
     How Did the Perpetrators Do 9/11? All it takes is a government conspiracy, by Philip Giraldi
A chain reaction of chaos. Nikolai Patrushev – about unions and values that are alien to Russia
Iran’s Future Is Looking Dark, by Brian Cloughley
Are the US and China Stumbling Toward an ‘Islands War’? by Pat Buchanan
Cat McGuire on Worldwide Freedom Rally; Jim Fetzer Discusses COVID Hospitalization and Recovery (Podcast)
France to work with India to promote ‘truly multilateral’ order
Crazy, by Caitlin Johnstone
Together in struggle: Palestinian and Irish hunger strikers, by Eman Abuaisha
Anti-imperialist protest against NATO Military Committee summit in Athens
Why I’m supporting Palestinian olive farmers this Sukkot, by Ilana Cruger-Zaken
FBI Agents Steal $86 Million Dollars From 800 Random People In Private Vault Heist, by Eric Striker
Radio Islam (SA) and Richie Allen (UK) interviews on Milley vs. Trump, Afghanistan, 9/11.. (Podcast)
Are Angry White Pussies Crypto Jews? by Linh Dinh
Mossad killed Iran’s top nuke scientist with remote-operated machine gun
A shift in militants’ strategy could shine a more positive light on failed US policy, by James Dorsey
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