Daily posts Sep 21, 2021 / The MIC ♫ Canan Nan Gaidheal – Karen Matheson Conquered by a Fake Pandemic, We Can Kiss America Good-bye, by Paul Craig Roberts That ‘Other’ Reset Unfolding Across West & Central Asia, by Alastair Crooke Why the West is Determined to Ignore China’s Success, by Andre Vltchek Understanding China: The CCP (The Chinese Communist Party), by Godfree Roberts Neil Oliver – Winter of Discontent (Video) The Only People Wearing Masks At the Emmys Were Servants, by Sundance India: State of 241 Million People Declared COVID-free after Government Promotes Ivermectin (Video) Common Sense About the “Vaccine”. Just a Suggestion, Give it First to the Politicians (Video) COVID Vaxx Certificates — Borderless Genocide, by Peter Koenig Dangerous “War Scares” Of 1974, 1983, And 2021: What Needs To Be Done? by Melvin Goodman ‘Justice for J6 Rally’: A Set-Up or a Psy-Op? by Ron Paul “We made SARS. We patented it on 19/4/2002, before there was any alleged outbreak in Asia”: David Martin FDA Allows Whistleblower Testimony that COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing and Harming People! by Brian Shilhavy The failure to prove the virus exists, by Jon Rappoport Up Periscope! by Eric Margolis AUKUS Expedites the Coming EU Army & NATO’s Irrelevance, by Joaquin Flores Jimmy Dore Show: NYT Pathetic Apology For Russiagate Coverage Failure w/ Aaron Maté Climate Change Is the Symptom, Capitalism Is the Problem, by Samantha Fox Dutch Socialist Condemns Her Party’s Shameful “Dumb Monkey” Response To The Syrian War, by S Van den Ende Russia Responded to an American Strategic Ruse With the S-500 (Sonar 2050) Grief and Anger After UAE Soldiers Torture and Kill Yemeni-American Student, by Ahmed Abdulkareem Reason Not Treason… General Pulled Rank on Trump to Avoid China War, by Finian Cunningham David Duke’s Bottle of Red Pills, by Beau Albrecht Big in Africa, by Linh Dinh The Mexico Dialogue on Venezuela and the End of the Lima Group, by Ariela Ruiz Caro Point Reyes National Seashore Capitulates to Ranchers, by George Wuerthner