Daily posts Mar 13, 2022 / Mass Formation Hypnosis ♫ Tomaso Albinoni – Adagio Ukrainian Update #7, by Paul Craig Roberts The US And Ukraine Have Every Reason To Lie About The War, by Caitlin Johnstone On maps, wars and hate-filled mobs “canceling Russia,” by The Saker 12 years ago I saw what was coming. That’s why I won’t join this carnival of hypocrisy, by Peter Hitchens ‘This Is What Liberal War Fever Looks Like,’ by Alastair Crooke American Pravda: Waging Biological Warfare, by Ron Unz Russia Calls For UN Security Council Meeting Over “Biological Activities” In Ukraine, by Mimi Nguyen Ly WHO Told Ukraine To Destroy ‘High-Threat Pathogens’ In Labs To Prevent Disease Spread, by Tyler Durden “Ukraine, Bio-weapons, & the Pentagon,” by Keith Hartzler Hegemon USA Funded and Controlled Bioweapons Development in Ukraine, by Stephen Lendman MoA: Disarming Ukraine Day 15: A Curious Hospital Bombing And ‘No-Fly Zone’ Pressure The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War. It’s Not ‘Siding With Putin’ to Admit It, by Ted Galen Carpenter The US Is Still Not Trying Diplomacy With Putin to Stop Fighting in Ukraine, by Dave DeCamp Amid warnings of world war, demands grow in Washington for escalation against Russia, by Andre Damon Russia Calls Western Arms Shipments to Ukraine ‘Legitimate Targets,’ by Jake Johnson US/NATO Regimes Want Endless War in Europe’s Heartland, by Stephen Lendman Russia’s Special Military Operation: Day 16, by Stephen Lendman Nick Turse, The Forgotten People of a Fictional Country Iurii Podoliaka about the effect of sanctions on Russia (Video) CIA Behind Uyghur Propaganda and Scheme to Demonize and Destabilize China, by Felix Abt Virology of ideas and colonialism, by Mazin Qumsiyeh Poll: Majority Of Americans Blame Biden; say Putin would not have invaded if Trump reelected DuckDuckGo ends neutrality, will down-rank sites “associated with Russian disinformation” Brave Search and Presearch say they don’t censor search results, by Tom Parker QTR: “God Help Us”: Andy Schectman Says The “Death Knell” For The Dollar Is Here, Metals Markets “Are Breaking” JP Morgan Bails Out Chinese Nickel Giant Facing Billions In Losses From Record Margin Call, by Tyler Durden Jussie Smollett Goes to Jail, by Anastasia Katz Meet the Censored: Cherie DeVille, by Matt Taibbi New Zealand Increasingly Sucked into Vortex of U.S. Empire, by Murray Horton